May 9, 2015

Foundation: Choosing the best type for you

by Cheryl Bruedigam, Editor

Types of foundation include:


One factor in choosing a type of foundation is your skin type: dry, normal, combination or oily. 

Pressed and loose powder have a harder time staying on dry skin so if you choose these, be extra sure to moisturize first.  They are best suited for combination or oily skin because they will absorb the oil and keep the face looking natural.

Liquid foundations work for any skin type although if you have an oily skin type, you may want to select a thinner liquid.  Drier skin types will appreciate a liquid foundation that moisturizes.

Whipped Mousse or Cream foundations love dry skin.  They will moisturize while providing a smooth matt coverage.

The amount of coverage you are looking for is also going to be a factor in selecting foundation.  Those seeking less coverage will want a thin liquid or a loose or pressed powder where the amount applied is easily controlled.  Those seeking a heavier coverage will prefer a liquid or a cream, although do not let the word Acream@ give you the impression that just because it is a cream it is going to be heavier, the newer lightly whipped creams provide a light feel with excellent coverage.  And remember, you only need cover the problem areas if you choose, you absolutely do not have to cover the entire face, just develop your blending skills.  Use a makeup sponge for a fine, thin and even application.

Whether you want an SPF in your foundation is going to be another factor.

But I=m going to go out on a limb here and say that at different times we may need different types of foundation.  A physically active day is certainly going to call for different coverage than an evening out or a trip to the grocery store or just lazing about at home.  For really making up, especially if you are contouring beneath, you are going to want a liquid or a cream.  For everyday use or lazing about, just covering the basics, the new pressed mineral foundations are so easy and provide fast, instant coverage where you want it.  Another option is thinning a liquid foundation with your favorite moisturizer. 

Seasonal changes make a difference to most all of us to a degree, depending on where we live.  In the winter we may require a heavier, more moisturizing foundation whereas in the summer we may want lightweight, barely any at all, or none, or a waterproof formula that can hold up to swimming, perspiration and various warm-weather activities.

And what about sheen?  My advice is be careful.  There are many foundations on the market that do everything from shimmering to practically glowing in the dark (an exaggeration) so be careful in choosing these.  And if you do select one, try it in different scenarios where you can examine the results, ask your closest friends and even take a photo because unless you prefer to be sparkling in a photo, you may not see the look you wanted.  Glitter and sheen can really show up weird in photos.  Certainly glitter or sheen is not preferable in the sun or at the office. It is likely these should be reserved for evening wear only.  And some liquid foundations are just so moisturizing that the very moisture they possess can appear too shiny so this is another area of caution but is easily corrected with loosed powder applied afterward if you are happy with the foundation.  If you have really oily skin, try dusting first with a loose powder or foundation then applying a liquid.

Lastly, there are many makeup products you can skimp on when it comes to cost however foundation is not one of them.  Generally speaking, the less expensive the brand, the less quality, and in a foundation, quality is number one because unfortunately it shows. And I realize that cost may be, in may cases, a deciding factor on which foundation to buy.  Most foundations start around ten dollars these days and you may expect to pay twenty or thirty dollars for a really good one.  Just remember, whichever you choose, it=s going to last you for several months so it=s really a worthwhile investment if you choose to pay a little more.

Sampling is good whether it be in a make-over, a salon, a department store, a home party, try-it sizes, etc,. However it really takes spending some time with a foundation to get to know it and to allow it to get to know your face.  One try is good to help you decide but it really takes a good month of use and wear to completely decide on a foundation because by then you have worn it through most of the scenarios in your life (other than seasonal) and you will have a good idea by then if it is right for you.

Experiment with foundation types, shades, blending, and see what works best for you.

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