June 5, 2016

5 Reasons to Apply a Dry Powdered Eye Shadow Wet

by Cheryl B. 
Beauty Q&A
When and Why Would I Wet Dry Eye Shadow

Though it is possible to purchase creams eye shadows, most eye shadows come in a dry pressed powder and now more readily with the popularity of mineral makeup, many come in loose powder. But why when and why would you ever need to apply a dry shadow wet?

There are several different reasons that at times it may be preferable to apply your powdered eye shadow wet.

Applied wet, powdered shadow is easier to work with if you are contouring or shaping. Let’s say that you would like to apply a dab of color at the outer corners of each eye to really get your eye color to pop or to enhance the clothing colors that you may be wearing that day. This effect may be done with dry eye shadow but if you wet the applicator just a tiny bit, the effect goes from “just there” to “amazing eyes.”

Staying Power
Another reason to apply wet, is that it will give the shadow more staying power; it will not rub off as easily. It stays put where it dries. Just be sure to blend generously while it is still damp and blendable so there are no noticeable lines.

More control is another reason to apply your shadow wet, and by wet, I do mean just a dab of water on the tip of the brush or applicator. Too much and it will become messy and then difficult to correct. There is a fine line in how much wetness and you will need to find it to achieve the look you desire. You will though have way more control over exactly where the color goes and how it goes on so because of this, you need to give a little more attention when working with wet shadow.

Enhanced Colors and Options
Lastly, wetting the shadow deepens and awakens the color considerably. It enhances the color to its fullest potential. It is especially effective for evening looks. 

Mixing Colors
In addition to enhancing the colors, if you enjoy mixing eye colors to get just the right look or colors for you, or coming up with your own new exciting blends, you will find it much easier to mix your shades wet than dry.

Remember, just a dab of water on the tip of the brush. You may need to re-dab with each stroke of shadow. Once you try this method, I am sure that you will fall completely in love with the results and find that it gives you way more choice in looks and style than previously had with only dry application. It basically doubles your options for the same amount of shadows.

Have fun, experiment and before you know it, you will have deepened your colors, increased your selections, learned optimal control in shaping, enhancing and contouring your eyes while developing a new level and look to your eye shadow application. 

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